# Exploit Title: Joomla com_KSAdvertiser Remote File & Bypass Upload Vulnerability 
# Google Dork: inurl:index.php?option=com_ksadvertiser
# Date: [12-07-2012]
# Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R"
# Twitter: @D4NB4R
# site: http://www.insecurityperu.org/
# vendor Link: http://www.kiss-software.de
# Tested on: [Linux(arch)-Windows(7ultimate)]

1.  Some pages require the Register
    Registrese Algunas Paginas lo exigen

2.  Go to the upload path
    Dirijase a la ruta del upload 


3.  Go to images and give click to upload, browse your file shell.php, and rename it to shell.php.gif
    Vaya a imagenes y dele click a upload, examine su archivo shell.php y renombrelo a shell.php.gif 

4.  Locate your file in the root / images/ksadvertiser/U0 -> this may vary
    Busque su archivo en la raiz /images/ksadvertiser/U0 --> esta puede variar

Im not responsible for which is given
No me hago responsable del uso que se le de
Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R"

Site:  http://www.exploit-db.com // http://packetstormsecurity.org // http://1337day.com/
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Joomla KISS Advertiser Remote File & Bypass Upload Vulnerability
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