[waraxe-2012-SA#093] - Multiple Vulnerabilities in WordPress Social Discussions Plugin

Author: Janek Vind "waraxe"
Date: 17. October 2012
Location: Estonia, Tartu
Web: http://www.waraxe.us/advisory-93.html

Description of vulnerable target:

Enables Social Sharing of your blog posts to 30+ Social Networks. Plugin also
enables you to Automatically Publish or Self Publish your Blog Posts to 25+ 


Affected version: 6.1.1

1. Remote File Inclusion in "social-discussions-networkpub_ajax.php"

Reasons: Uninitialized variable "$HTTP_ENV_VARS"
Attack vectors: User-supplied parameter "HTTP_ENV_VARS"
 1. register_globals=on
 2. register_long_arrays=off
 3. allow_url_include=on for RFI if PHP >= 5.2.0
 4. PHP must be < 5.3.4 for LFI null-byte attacks
 5. magic_quotes_gpc=off for LFI null-byte attacks
Php script "social-discussions-networkpub_ajax.php" line 2:
------------------------[ source code start ]----------------------------------
if (!function_exists('add_action')){
  @include_once($GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/wp-config.php");
------------------------[ source code end ]------------------------------------

We can see, that script expects old-style array "HTTP_ENV_VARS" to be initialized
and containing "DOCUMENT_ROOT" entry. But it appears, that if PHP directive
"register_long_arrays=off", then "HTTP_ENV_VARS" is uninitialized and if in
same time "register_globals=on", it is possible to fill that array with any
value, leading to the RFI (Remote File Inclusion) vulnerability.




2. Full Path Disclosure in multiple scripts

Reasons: Direct request to php script triggers pathname leak in error message
Preconditions: PHP directive display_errors=on
Result: Information Exposure Through an Error Message



Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\social-discussions\social-discussions-networkpub.php on line 2


Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\social-discussions\social-discussions-networkpub.php on line 2


Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in
C:\apache_www\wp342\wp-content\plugins\social-discussions\social_discussions_service_names.php on line 3


Janek Vind "waraxe"

Waraxe forum:  http://www.waraxe.us/forums.html
Personal homepage: http://www.janekvind.com/
Random project: http://albumnow.com/
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WordPress Social Discussions Plugin 6.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities

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