+             Security Flaw            +
+                         __     _     +
+ ___  ___  ___ _   _  /\ \ \___| |_   +
+/ __|/ _ \/ __| | | |/  \/ / _ \ __|  +
+\__ \  __/ (__| |_| / /\  /  __/ |_   +
+|___/\___|\___|\__,_\_\ \/ \___|\__|  +
+Scripts Genie Hot Scripts Clone Script+
+  SQL Injection Vulnerability PoC     +
+       Discovered by Easy Laster      +
+      Autor : Easy Laster             +
+       Date   :17.02.2013             +
+      Script:Scripts Genie            +
+        Hot Scripts Clone Script      +
+        scriptsgenie.com              +
+       Price  ::$1.75                 +
+      Language: PHP                   +
+              Vulnerability           +
+           Proof of Concept           +
+        Crawling the MYSQL Stack      +
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Scripts Genie Hot Scripts Clone (showcategory.php, cid param) – SQL Injection Vulnerability
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