TITLE ===== Quick Paypal Payments - Persistent Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability AUTHOR ====== Zy0d0x BLOG ==== https://zy0d0x.com DATE ==== 10/08/2013 VENDOR ====== Quick Plugins - http://quick-plugins.com/ AFFECTED PRODUCT ================ Quick Paypal Payments WordPress Plugin Version 3.0 possibly earlier VULNERABILITY CLASS =================== Cross-Site Scripting DESCRIPTION =========== Quick Paypal Payments suffers from a persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability due to a lack of input validation and output sanitization of the "reference" and "amount" paramaters. Other input fields are also effective to reflective cross site scripting. PROOF OF CONCEPT ================ Enter the following into the field where Quick Paypal Payments requests a Payment reference. --- SNIP --- "><script>alert(String.fromCharCode(90,121,48,100,48,120))</script>< --- SNIP --- If the message has been sent successfully a alert diolog will apear containing Zy0d0x when an user checks there message in the dashboard. IMPACT ====== An attacker could potentially hijack session authentication tokes of remote users and leverage the vulnerability to increase the attack vector to the underlying software and operating system of the victim. THREAT LEVEL ============ High STATUS ====== Not FixedБрой прочитания на тази страница: 871
Quick Paypal Payments 3.0 – Presistant XSS (0day)