Product: Nexpose Security Console
Vendor: Rapid7
Version: < 5.5.3
Tested Version: 5.5.1
Vendor Notified Date: December 19, 2012
Release Date: January 2, 2013
Risk: High
Authentication: None required
Remote: Yes

Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in Nexpose 
Security Console 5.5.3 and below allow remote attackers to submit 
actions on a legitimate user’s behalf.
By not properly checking each URL, an attacker can execute requests on 
behalf of a legitimate user.
If an authenticated user is tricked into visiting a specially crafted 
page, it may be possible to perform user-initiated actions on the web 
application using the victim’s established session.
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability resulted in deleting scan 
data and sites during the proof-of-concept.

Exploit steps for proof-of-concept:
1.      Create an external site/page: that contains:
   &lt;!-- Nexpose CSRF PoC --&gt;
method=&quot;POST&quot;  enctype=&quot;multipart/form-data&quot;&gt;
       &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;delete site&quot; /&gt;
       //document.forms[0].submit(); //uncomment to auto-submit

2. Lure victim to
3. Site with ID 1 is deleted when form is submitted.

Vendor Notified: Yes
Vendor Response: Quickly escalated and resolved.
Vendor Update: Remediated in 5.5.4.


Robert Gilbert
HALOCK Security Labs

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Nexpose Security Console CSRF Vulnerability
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