*Exploit Author:* Nir Valtman *Affected Platforms: *Version 7.0.4 and all previous versions of WebSphereMQ File Transfer Edition<http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wmqfte/v7r0/index.jsp>running on all platforms are affected. Apparently they published the CVE above without mentioning my name, since I found it in the same time while IBM's team found it. This mail contains the exploitation methods of the CVE above<http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21607481> *Description:* Malicious user is able to access other user's files and filespaces. * * *Details:* *1. Privilege escalation to view other user's files and filespace* I logged on using user "user2" (non-administrative account with download\upload files permissions only) and then sent a GET request to the following URL: /transfer/?start=0&count=10&metadata=fteSamplesUser=user1 As a result, the response included the data of "user1". *2. Privilege escalation to download user user's files* In order to execute the attack, the malicious user should know the file name and the related ID before executing the attack. In this scenario, The malicious user is "user2" and the attacked user is "user1". If "user2" knows the url to file of "user1", then he can access this file, e.g. "user2" is able to access the following URL using a GET request: /filespace/user1 /414d512057514d542020202020202020eb3bfc4f2030df02/changedthisfilename.txt Best Regards, Nir ValtmanБрой прочитания на тази страница: 1021
IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Web Gateway Insufficient Access Control