Summary SQL Injection Vulnerability in ITSM component of Hornbill Supportworks Application CVE number: CVE-2013-2594 Impact: High Vendor homepage: Vendor notified: 19/11/2012 Vendor response: This issue has reportedly been fixed but the vendor refused to give version details. Credit: Joseph Sheridan of ReactionIS Affected Products Supportworks ITSM versions 1.0.0 and possibly other versions Details There is a SQL injection vulnerability in the ITSM component of the Supportworks Application. The vulnerable file is calldiary.php found in the /reports folder of the webroot. The following URL demonstrates the issue: This attack can be used to take full control of the host by writing a php webshell document (using mysql 'into outfile') to the webroot. Impact An attacker may be able to take full control of the Supportworks server and execute arbitrary operating-system commands. Solution Upgrade to the latest available ITSM version - contact Vendor for more details.Брой прочитания на тази страница: 942
Hornbill Supportworks ITSM 1.0.0 – SQL Injection Vulnerability